CodeVisionAVR V3.11 Evaluation

CodeVisionAVR V3.11 Evaluation

Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Atmel AVR and XMEGA Microcontrollers.
• Application that runs under Windows® XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, 32-bit and 64-bit
• Easy to use Integrated Development Environment and ANSI C compatible Compiler
• Editor with auto indentation, syntax highlighting for both C and AVR assembler, function parameters and structure/union    members autocomplete
• Besides it’s own IDE, CodeVisionAVR can be used an Extension integrated in Atmel Studio 6.1 or later
• Supported data types: bit, bool, char, int, short, long, float
• Fast floating point library with hardware multiplier and enhanced core instructions support for all the new ATmega chips 
• AVR specific extensions for: 
   • Transparent, easy accessing of the EEPROM & FLASH memory areas, without the need of special           functions like in other AVR compilers 
   • Bit level access to I/O registers
   • Interrupt support 
   • Support for placing bit variables in the General Purpose I/O Registers (GPIOR) available in the new chips (ATtiny2313,        ATmega48/88/168, ATmega165/169/325/3250/329/3290/645/6450/649/6490, ATmega1280/1281/2560/2561/640,          ATmega406 and others)